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Whole car shaking


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After a quick trip on the motorway for about 20m I noticed a vibration gradually appear, felt through the whole car. Slowed down & it got worse down to about 40 mph. It got quite severe, as if I was driving over a cattle grid. confused.gif Not particularly noticable through the steering wheel. I stopped the car, had a look at all the wheels (no flat tyres) so thought that I would carry on. No vibration!

It stayed OK, even after a brisk razz between Buxton & Macclesfield (S8346 territory).

What should I look at to check, or is it a trip to the stealer (or in my case, Ric Woods)? I wondered about propshaft bearings, but can't work out why the fault should disappear.

S8 has done 84k miles.


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I had something that sounds similar on another car recently. Turned out to be an intermittantly sticking caliper. Two pistons on the same side of the caliper, one was sticking and one wasn't. The effect was to have the pad angled against the disk which caused a juddering. Sometimes it was there and sometimes not. In my case it was worse immediately after moderately hard, but not severe, braking.

Like your problem it would go away when the car stopped and started again. Maybe worth checking the pads? In my case it went on for a few weeks before I got round to looking at it suicide.gif and by that time the uneven wear on the pad was quite noticable.

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