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I'm mad as hell. B*stard old drivers


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Just been to Borders to get a present for someone. Parked my car and walked towards the shop.I could hear the sound of an over-revving engine. Turn round to see some old duffer in a Laguna that was parked at 90 degrees to mine, heading straight for my car at some speed. Shout out and wave at him but he is reversing YET LOOKING STRAIGHT AHEAD SAUER0421.GIF. The inevitable happens and he gets out full of apologies and says "I didn't even see your car." No sh1t sherlock! Turns out he's a mate of one of my car dealers - which I established by the name of the dealer on the number plates.

Seriously fecked off. My old A3 had two people hit the rear offside wing, both whilst parked!! Beginning to think I've got a bloody target painted on there.

Anyway, I've just be to another of my car dealers that runs a body shop and had the p1ss taken out of me as they are the ones that repaired the old car. Twice. They have a brand new product called Miracle Pull that involves attaching a frame and a computer with sensors to your car to pull the dent out, hopefully without cracking the paint. I'm going to watch them at work whilst biting my nails.

Get these old feckers off the road!!!!! sportifs2.gif

Some pics: 825745-Xmas2005001%28Small%29.jpg


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Feck! Thank god that it will be an insurance job, I found out the hard way with the Peugeot when some tossers dented the 1/4 panel with a rock.

Wasn't going to pay the £300 to have it pulled out and resprayed, or even a new panel fitted. mad.gif

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Bloody hell that awful!

And yes, what if there had been someone between the two cars!? blush.gif

This kind of thing happens all the time down here, it is genuinely scary and it's high time annual retests at 70 were brought in just to test for basic competency. Not a full driving test, a 15 min spin round the block just to make sure they're aware.

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Jesus!!! I'd couldn't imagine any special machine getting that out, its probably gonna be a 1/4 panel replacement frown.gif

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That's what my first thought was but the guys at the repair place really know their stuff. They are Direct Line, Churchill and Norwich Union approved and I've seen many cars go in there wrecked and come out like new. They replaced the quarter panel on my old car and the job was fantastic so if it comes to it I know they are capable. This new bit of kit is supposed to be seriously advanced so we shall see....... UHOH7.GIF

Off down the boozer at 3pm to see Stella who will help me forget all about it!

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Would have been even madder if I had walked out of the shop to find it had been done and the bloke had driven off.

The ironic thing is I was looking for a copy of Roger Mellie's Profanisaurus (sp?) for my mate's 30th birthday.

Surely there must be an entry in the book for some old b*stard that smashed your car up in a car park ha.gif

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Don't you just love these silly old farts sportifs2.gif

Had one today at Tesco's, only took five, yes thats five attempts to get his fiesta into a parking space, silly old sod. And even then it wasn't straight yelrotflmao.gif

I take it you will be claiming off the old duffers insurance?

Chin up lad, say hello to Stella for me grin.gif

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Cheers fella! I've just phoned the bloke and his wife answered and said he is very upset. He's upset! His knackered R reg Laguna is fine! I'm getting an estimate and then going to see if he wants to pay cash or go through his insurance.

Just googled Miracle Pull and this might be what they are talking about.

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That's really bad mate crazy.gifblush.gif

But it's repairable as you say as these repair centres can work their magic (seen it done to mine).

At least his car was French. His chassis is probably bent, the engine most likely fell out and all of the front bumper disintegrated into a thousand pieces. grin.gif

Least you're not hurt - as someone has said - what if you or someone else got hit by it idiot instead!

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I'm getting an estimate and then going to see if he wants to pay cash or go through his insurance.

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I'd inform your insurers anyway mate, just in case. What if he later changes his mind and decides he's not going to pay for it when you've had it repaired? shocked.gif

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makes me mad as well , a while ago waiting outside a supermarket watched this old guy with walking stick hardly able to walk then he gets in his car and drives off, how the hell can he press the brake pedal hard say on a emergency stop let alone the reaction time, re-tests every 2 years i say after the age of 65

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.....re-tests every 2 years i say after the age of 65

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....Whereas I agree in the principle, 65yo is too young. Derek Bell is just 65 - Do you seriously think he now needs testing every two years ? There are plenty of drivers in their 20s/30s/40s who should be re-tested. I think it's a question of individual ability. How old is Stirling Moss now I wonder ?

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.....re-tests every 2 years i say after the age of 65

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....Whereas I agree in the principle, 65yo is too young. Derek Bell is just 65 - Do you seriously think he now needs testing every two years ? There are plenty of drivers in their 20s/30s/40s who should be re-tested. I think it's a question of individual ability. How old is Stirling Moss now I wonder ?

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Bugger, nasty dent...

But you cannot pass a law that says that can you. Somehow there needs to be something. My parents are 70 and 67 and they are both fine to drive, I'm sure they would be quite happy to take a test.

As said above, just a quick spin around the block to check competancy, nothing more.

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....Whereas I agree in the principle, 65yo is too young. Derek Bell is just 65 - Do you seriously think he now needs testing every two years ? There are plenty of drivers in their 20s/30s/40s who should be re-tested. I think it's a question of individual ability. How old is Stirling Moss now I wonder ?

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Well I think the point is they'd all pass.

The idea of retesting is to educate people in where they need to improve there driving and to stop people who are incapable. Therefore if they are capable they have nothing to fear.

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