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It's a Blues Brothers adventure !


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Jimmy_P and myself ventured to APS in Brackley this morning - he has had the Beissbarth 4-wheel alignment done and I had the Milltek fitted to the Mk5.

Both of us were very impressed (again) with their helpful nature and Jimmy now has a car that doesn't steer to the right when the steering wheel is straight smashfreakB.gif

Afterwards we both participated in a doomed visit to AMD (see Mk5 Ownership thread), so headed back down to Brighton so I could get a minor adjustment made to the new audio system.

At this point I have to tell you all that Jimmy went to Huet Audio's old building, which is now a coffee shop yelrotflmao.gif After what seemed like an hour he then turned up on the right road for Huet's, only to get in completely the wrong lane and have to turn around. But he made it eventually SMOKE6.GIF

All-in, a good day for the both of us - some decent convoy-style driving and bemused looks from people when they heard the twin-Milltek power in action. FIREdevil.gif

Some photos of the day - by the way Jimmy, some nutter has been posing for pics with your car mate grin.gif




Am sure everyone here will be pleased that Jimmy has finally got his car back on the road after much strife with cam-chain rattle etc - I can tell you he's delighted to be back in his heart.gif .:R again.



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Cracking pics rich, especailly the one with the mega good looking bloke in it... grin.gif

I think i will be visiting Bicester again, but only to go to the costa coffe shop to see the lurvly ladies serving the coffee's... sekret.gif

And as everyone can see i have joined Mook's chav light brigade aswell... 169144-ok.gif

I was really impressed with APS and the alignment kit is just superb, really transformed the whole steering issue i had... 169144-ok.gif

And just to clarify, i only got lost just a little bit in my own town smashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gif

and jimmy came close to loosing the battle with the scampi smile.gifgrin.gif

A very good day in all and the sound of rs32's car is awesome now... FIREdevil.gif


jimmy 169144-ok.gif

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Am sure everyone here will be pleased that Jimmy has finally got his car back on the road after much strife with cam-chain rattle etc - I can tell you he's delighted to be back in his .:R again.

[/ QUOTE ]

It really is a great feeling grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Looks like a good day - there is nothing like a wee R32 convoy - certainly turns heads jump.gif

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