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[Audi A3/S3] my car's a bit wonky


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greetings from the antipodes.

my s3 has just had all the suspension replaced ( not with coilovers), but it was the same before this....basically the right rear is 5-7 mm lower than the left.

what could it be , ? control arms ? anything else- the ( trusted) mechanic thought everything looked ok at the time of install.

thanks, its got me stumped

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Probably not what you want to hear, but is it possible its had an accident/ been repaired in its previous life?

its the first thing that crossed my mind, when you mention its the same with 2 lots of suspension.

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well, funny you should mention the 'accident'.it was listed as a 'repairable writeoff'- although the story is that of being stolen, left at railway station, scratched, stripped out etc etc- none of which was mentioned to me when i bought it ( from a dealer).my mechanic , said that the car was all ok , so i dont think anything too bad's happen ( hope springs eternal).



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