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Good R32 Video


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Thats from the TV show Motorvision on DSF. I watch it most Sunday mornings ( I think )as the German is nice and slow so I understand it mostly. No JC humour here though, just a guy with a mullet that drives far better than our Top Gear efforts! (apart from the Stig)

Great program, nice find too on the net!

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I found this on You Tube:


Some pretty nice footage of both cars hammering around some country lanes (obviously closed off) and some good tests for the both of them.

It's in German, but you should get the jist of it 169144-ok.gif

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Didnt understand a word but there was some tasty driving on show ECLIPSe.gif

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I found this on You Tube:


Some pretty nice footage of both cars hammering around some country lanes (obviously closed off) and some good tests for the both of them.

It's in German, but you should get the jist of it 169144-ok.gif

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Didnt understand a word but there was some tasty driving on show ECLIPSe.gif

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More to the point whats going on here? Forced induction by any chance? beerchug.gif

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Good vid ... di the R32 have an off or cook the brakes ? seemed to go from 2nd to 5th ? in two frames ? Absolutly nothing in it between the R32 and 130i on the track. Think the type R guy knew his way aroiund and could use 100% of his power more of the time grin.gif Fun 10 mins though grin.gif

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It's quite amazing how well the Integra TypeR faired against those guys -- on paper it was more than slightly out of its league I'd guess. Being FWD you'd expect it to be at a major disadvantage, but it certainly handled the course a lot better than the Alfa did... but then the Alfa was never renound for being able to get its power down.

The R32 did very well up until lap 4, and seemed a lot more composed throughout most of the course. You could see the 130i visibly getting out of hand around a few of those corners where the R32 was closing up easily -- they're very evenly matched coming out of the bends though. The question in my mind was what was going on with the A3? It's basically the same car as the R32 and yet seemed outclassed by it most of the time.

You've got to love those Best Motoring guys... they are nuts, but they don't half enjoy themselves, and it certainly makes for entertaining viewing. Now, if only I could understand what they were saying! smile.gif

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It's quite amazing how well the Integra TypeR faired against those guys -- on paper it was more than slightly out of its league I'd guess. Being FWD you'd expect it to be at a major disadvantage

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It might be down on power at around 220bhp, however it a fair bit lighter than the rest of the cars and it started at the back with the scooby.. I think if the track had been wet, then the R would have had a far better chance over the Integra or the 130.

As for the A3, aye its got the same engine and chassis, but its far softer than the R, but wasn't too far behind..

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You've gotta love those crazy Japs with their green rubber gloves and strange noises they make haha!!

I think the driver in the Type R was just better to be fair, but don't forget, the Japanese models of the Type R's are normally lighter and more powerful than the UK models. I think they call them JDI versions over here (Japanese Domestic Imports).

The .:R and the 130i were very closely matched, but everything was a lot more composed in the .:R out of the bends.

I would have loved to have seen that race in the wet though cos I think the outcome would have been slightly different smile.gif

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