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Bloody Kids!


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Ok, I have nothing against kids and the missus is currently expecting our first.

The thing is that they play football in our street and hit the car all the time with a grit and mud covered ball as the road is only partially tarmac'ed.

Is there any Wax or equivalent that will leave a hard enough coating on the car to withstand some of the intial damage with the gritty ball?

I currently use the 3 stage Meg's routine after clay bar'ing when needed.

I have been advised that Pinnacle Souveran is good on a black car but does not last. Is it hardy enough intiailly though?

Cheers Again.

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Unfortunately there is no wax that really will withstand a grity ball. The most durable/tough sealant i know is Klasse Sealant Glaze (up to 12 months protection!) however i doubt its going to stop the initial damage, but may help.

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That sounds like an excellent idea. The only problem is that the ground the cars are parked on is small pavins that they put down before they tarmac roads. Which means that the cover could hold the smaller stone particles and possibly scratch the car?

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