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[Audi A3/S3] S3 Advice Needed...


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Hi guys,

Whilst washing the car tonight, I noticed that as you look at the the car square on from the back, my rear wheels, especially the right rear, arent straight, i.e. it almost looks like the wheels are sagging under the weight of the car! If you imagine the wheels should be vertical (obviously slap.gif) the tops of the wheels are pointing a little into the arches more.

Is the way to remedy this the "four wheel drive tracking" I've heard about, or am I screwed?

Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot. 169144-ok.gif169144-ok.gif

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When cornering, the car will roll, with weight being transfered to the outside wheels. If the tyres are flat with the road in a straight line, then as the car roles the tyre contact patch will consist of the outside edge only. Placing a degree of negative camber allows the tyre to sit flatter when cornering, hence a bigger contact patch, more grip, bigger grin. The suspension will also increase the negative camber as the wheels lifts into the arch, (which is why the top arm is shorter than the bottom), so as the car leans into a bend, you get more negative camber to allow for the car rolling.

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