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[Audi A3/S3] Oh Bollocks!!


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I have just loaded a TV into the boot of my car, and in the process scratched the plastic on the entrance to the boot.

Would you guys be upset about this on a 2.0T DSG Spec edition? Or am I just to fussy?!?!?!?!

Does anyone know how much for a new one?

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Wear and tear indeed. Not a problem to be honest - plastic after all.

Now if it was the painted bit at the lip of the hatch that's a different matter. Just like a cousin of my wife's did with a suitcase 2 weeks after we'd bought the car.

Fuming is not the word!

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Now if it was the painted bit at the lip of the hatch that's a different matter. Just like a cousin of my wife's did with a suitcase 2 weeks after we'd bought the car.

Fuming is not the word!

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah yes, forgot about the dreaded suitcase. My parents have a habbit of using the boot lip as a convenient place to rest their case before sliding it in or out. SAUER0421.GIF I try to avoid airport runs now!

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