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My Passat stutters


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Hey Em. Sorry I didn't see your earlier post.

Have a look here and see if this is what you're talking about. This is most common on 2001 plate cars apparently which would be yours. Yes the injector isn't working properly but it's more likely that it's the electrical connector to the injector that the whole unit. Certainly a lot cheaper.

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Already described in this thread http://www.tyresmoke.net/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/1,2,12,15,22,25,26,27,8/Number/880601/an/0/page/0#880601

Have been quoted £600 for new injector - just under 400 for the part + VAT + labour. Does anyone else think that this is a bit steep?

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Find a bosch service centre that can supply bosch parts they can supply unit injectors for around £200, Check the connector first. 169144-ok.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quick update lads - as previously said I got a quote from a VW garage for £600 - replace the injector. I didn't have the cash at the time and i didn't think that would be right. Last week I received my salary and took the car to a little garage close by - they said the same thing: injector needs replacing. What they then did was to start taking it apart to establish how this would be done. THey then had a problem and said that they did not want to do the work as apparently special tools were necessary - they advised me to take it back to the VW garage. When i picked the car up the bloke who had drove it out of the garage said he didn't think there was a problem, he also added he had only driven about 100 yards though. Anyway i picked the car up and the car is fine now - I think they have taken everything apart and because of that they have potentially cleared out some dirt and connected everything properly again. But I am still a bit worried about driving too far - I now go to work in my car again but that is a 10 mile round journey, so far so good, but i have no confidence in taking it much further - anyone got thoughts on this situation?

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