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Rear screen installation into A8 D3

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Had one of those rear entertainment systems from an A6 sitting in a box in my shed and decided to install the screen in the roof for my passengers and make use of the 750GB media player etc.

The screen was from a grey interior car, so it matched the grey of the W12 pretty much perfectly.

I had to remove the pillar trims and drop half the roof liner to fit it in, and it scared me to death when cutting the roof, let alone marking it out, as a new roof means a new back window (ouch).

Ran the power to the front fuse box and I'm in the process of running the signal wires and headphone senders etc to the boot for the sony head control unit.

The plan is to be able to watch whatever the car TV is watching or just select the media player.



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Ok, finally got the cables fed from the screen to the boot media section, so I tested the movies today, seems fine.

Also fitted the coolbox option into the rear of the A8, quite an easy installation.

So now I can ejoy a movie and a cold beer...





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Thats no where near as cool as the one in the A8 though... thats pure class...

Reckon you should motorise the arm rest too!!!! So you press a button the arm rest gentle drops down and the Ice cold Champers is there waiting

By the way what does D3 mean?

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