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Whine coming from rear/middle of car when no load.


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Hiya guys,

went out today in the car noticed a low level whine from the rear/middle of the car which sounded a bit like something spinning, which went fater with speed and slowed down when the car did. This all happened when there was no load on the car, but as soon as i accelerated it completely went away.

Does anyone know what this could be, or experienced this temselves?

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When the prop-shaft bearings went on my Golf Rallye, I had a similar sort of noise when slowing down. I know it's a different 4wd system, but a prop-shaft is a prop-shaft. confused.gif

Having said that, I've not heard of any problems with R32 props so far. Although, Woppum did have to have a new diff' fitted a while ago.

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It does sound like the rear diff. When mine went I would get a whining noise when I wasn't accelerating. It did it most once warmed up and I lifted off the gas in 3rd gear at around 4-5k RPM. The noise would then change pitch and volume with the speed of the car. As soon as I touched the accelerator (even just to hold the current speed) the noise would stop.

I eventually got mine changed under warranty. Hope you have some left as the complete part is around £3k EEK2.GIF

My initial description of the issue on this thread. If you read down a little, you'll see that Mook might have one slightly cheaper than VW.


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Well be into the dealers and found out it was part of the heat shield was rubbing up against the prop. Which must of been done when i had the exhaust modded a few weeks ago, but something nocked it to cause it to rub.

But thankfully it meens the car is fine smile.gif

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