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Bit of a stupid question. I parked my car at Stansted for 5 days and found driving home that i had some wheel wobble that was not there before. Ive got 235x45x17 Dunlops 9090 sports. The car seems to be ok now, but surely i would not get flat spots, also i noticed that the tyres get quite warm and give out some heat when i came back from East Midlands, i know you get road friction but have not noticed this on any other cars. Maybe the hot weather played a part.


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Pressures are correct. The car does sit on my drive way for long periods as i use another car for work. Took it out yesterday on the A14 and it's fine, Maybe it's just one of them things, but the tyres do generate some heat though, i don't know if this was caused by the hot weather lately and having affect on the road surfaces.

Maybe the heat from the tyres, then the car having to sit at Stansted for 5 days may have put a slight flat spot on one of them. Can't see it really but Strange. The alloys and brakes are all ok on all 4 wheels, so i know there are no problems there. Maybe it's just a one off i suppose as it's never happened before.

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"took it out on the A14".... my experience says thats a car park ... you need to go somewhere you can get over 5mph!!! SAUER0421.GIF RANT RANT RANT

Sounds weired though ... was the wobble only at a certain speed? Was it muck built up on the pads... which has now gone?

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Right through from 60mph up to about 85mph. Didn't think of that Wrax, or maybe the gremlins had been at it. It was quite a bad wobble, and i couldn't blame my girlfriend as i drove it to the airport.

Try Hornchurch where i use to live, i think the whole of the UK lived there, and the M25, nightmare, the 7 years i lived there i ever only used that section of the M25 once and someone hit me up the arse.

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