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It had to bloody happen didn't it...


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Well, there hasn't been a 'known common R32 fault' that my car hasnt had - new strut top / ARB links, new engine due to rattle at 1400 rpm, rusty brakes...

Execpt for the engine fan problem...

Well, today I joined Pincher and Geo's recent club - been on a reasonable drive - parked at home and hear my fan pulsing as I'm moving Mrs RossG's car.

Open the bonnet, and sure enough - the small fan isnt turning at all (climate is set to auto) and they are both pulsing every 30 seconds.

smashfreakB.gif As Mrs RossG casually remarked to Geo at the recent NE / Scotland meet 'good car these, eh? ROLLEY~14.GIF '

Ah well, guess this will be the first test of Warranty Direct's cover...

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Ross - mine is going in for a 'diagnostic' tomorrow.

Even though I've told them exactly what the problem is and what bits it needs, they said that they will want it for a second day as depending on the results they will have to order the parts in overnight. When I asked whay they couldn't pre-order them, the look of horror on the service guys face was like I had asked for a brand new car for free!

It's out of warranty, but they have indicated that there will be some goodwill involved.

BTW - might be worth checking to see if you have the modified fans. You can tell by looking for a green dot on the fan as you spin it round slowly (without the car running obv!) I found out that mine are the modified ones after I booked it in, so I'm going to mention it tomorrow to see what they say.

I'll let you know how I get on.

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Pincher - they are nut's arent they. Dealers must hate the Internet, but their lives would be so much easier if they just listened occaisionally.

I will take mine round to the local shop tommorrow. I will ask about a goodwill gesture - but as I will be claiming the money back from Warranty Direct I'm not overly bothered.

Mine don't have the green dots - I checked that a while ago when I first read about this on UK MKIVs.

My high speed fan has pulsed on for a few seconds since I got the car - especially at traffic lights, or just as it pulls into the drive - and I never worried as the two fans remained spinning - only yesterday did they stop frown.gif

I wonder why they go all of a sudden.

Feaking cars - they're wonderful when they work eh!

Good luck tommorrow - let us know how you get on 169144-ok.gif

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