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There's plenty of places in Town, but I'd recommend Fat Cats on Bridge Street. Good food, good drink, top atmosphere! Bar Soviet's good on that street too. A bit further out of town the Charles Bradlaugh is worth a visit- or you could just do what all the local kids do and see how far down the Wellingborough Road you can get... beerchug.gif

Have a good time!

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I worked in Northampton for 4 months of last year.

I'd not be going back there for a night out.

I found it extremely seedy in the town centre, a rather ran down and unkept place throughout, and the traffic system was just plain silly.

The Marriott on Eagle Drive is okay though, and if you're lucky you can time it to get a Hot Air Balloon ride from there (they have them in the grounds).

I thought the Charles Bradlaugh was in the centre of town at the traffic lights at Upper Mounts? I went there for a lunch one day. It was okay, but it's one of those places with bare wood flooring throughout and felt very, well, cold.

Newcastle City Centre feels safer, a whole world apart in terms of upmarket feel and also looks a hell of a lot nicer than Northampton. For some reason I had a preconception of it being a nice midlands town - it was far from it.

Buckingham was nice mind. Quite liked it there, although it's transformed into a hell hole on a night apparently (or so the person I was with told me).

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Nothampton's a New Town. Which means that everyone who got kicked out of all the other towns in the South East moved there in the '70's...

I grew up there and like most of my contemporaries my ambition in life was to move out. I agree Mr Me there are better places, but as a 1-off it's not too bad. It's also a million times better than it was when I first started going out in the early 90's.

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