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Honda Civic 06' - Glove Box Removal


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Hi all,

Can somebody please help me or point me in the right direction.

I recently purchase a new Honda Civic Cdti that I want to get "chipped". I took it to a reputable well known tuner who had never "chipped" one before. Apparently the ECU is located behind the glove compartment. To cut a long story short, unfortunately after spending an hour and a half trying to get at the ECU they had to give up. The left hand side of the compartment by the passenger door was easy to remove however, the problem was that they couldn't unattach the glove compartment from the centre console. I guess there must be some hidden clip(s).

Does anybody know how to do this or can offer me any tips.



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Have a look around on the internet Via google, you will find that most people are dissapointed with alot of the chips for the Honda "D" engines.

Having had ago with an Accord D with a 28 BHP increase (this was round 4 months ago new chips avalible i suspect) it really was a mess on the wet and seem to offer a big boost that was almost intolarble for everyday driving.

Honda dont want you playing with it and have worked hard to make sure if you do things wont work so smoothly.

I think in the end it adjust the waste gate valve so you end requring high RPMs to achive max power as well.

Dident work to well for in the one i tested. This was from Super Chips i think. If you can find someone who has had it done then that might help you decide if you want to go through with it.

Just my 10 cents!! This was a replacement chip rather then remap i believe which is always the recommend method.


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Hi Geoff,

Thanks for the information. I used Superchips in Uxbridge to get my previous car "chipped" (Golf TDI) and they did a really good job on it.

I think that you are correct in your opinion that if I get the Honda done then the power is probably not going to be very usable. I find that it handles very well in the dry however, in the wet, it's very 'skittish' under medium-hard acceleration. Getting it 'chipped' is only going to make it worse.

Like you say, Honda have made it difficult to get it done. Perhaps it's just as well !

Anyway, thanks again for the response.


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