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Oettinger RZ Split Rims


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Hi ... new to this Forum. (usually TT)

I have two TTs one has new 19" Split Rim RZs fitted (stunning).

I also have two new spares .. and would desperately like to make up another set for my second TT.

You may know that Oettinger have recently changed the RZ style (mine are classic Ronel).. so they cannot be bought the same now.

Do you know of anyone selling (Ronel)RZs in UK ?? confused.gif


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Hi Chipps.

The sole supplier of Original OEttinger wheels is RSD (www.rsdcars-uk.co.uk) they might have some? Otherwise Montys tyres did get some original ones in, although most of the last batches pf these wheels (I guess you know this tho) so it might be a hard slog.

Another option is that the guy who runs Just Matz (think thats the name) had a set off of me - you might be able to convince him to sell.....

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