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first service stats...


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ok - here are the stats from my first service and was wondering what people thought...

Cost: £132.49

Total Miles: 18 (central london!)

DIS on return to me

Mpg: 12.7 (my carlimits day was 14)

Time: 28 mins

Av Speed: 9mph

Tyres: edges of new tyres now been used way more than before.

Oh and asked them to investigate the grinding of tyre on bolt under sill when cornering hard but not test drive for it as it is wet and in central london so unsafe to do so!

Oh and oil is SLX Longlife III

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Good price on the service.

I would certainly be ringing the dealership asking why they drove your car for 18 miles, they obviously ignored what you asked, probably a breakdown in communication between the reception and workshop, and went for a hard drive anyway.

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at least they didnt wash it! Still pissed they took it for a rip round london after i asked them not to. Brand spanking new tyres, plus light rain and they go try push the car to the limits into bends to get wheel to hit bolt in arch. To$$ers was my first reaction. Plus the decent guy wasnt in so i got newbie who had to run card 4 or 5 times before getting help and telling me it must be previous transactions etc...

On the whole though they have been ok in the past sorting issues.

Oh and the 50% discount was because they turned up late to pick up car before and it had been towed after explicitly stating they had to be there before i left for airport. Cost me £250!!

Righty - independent next time!

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well i decided not to fight it and accept the 50% off offer. To be honest though i should have fought it as they accepted that they would pick up the vehicle and were fully aware of the situation re me having pickup to fly to LA. In my book that constitutes an agreement to the terms of them picking up the car. But hey ho... at least they normally seem to be ok esp compared to other cr@p places.

(not referring to Beadles in Bromley obviously)

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