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Eastern Europe driving holiday.


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I'm planning a trip with my friend that will take place early next summer after my Uni finals.

We're intending to fly to Berlin, pick up a hire car along the lines of a Peugeot 407 (Best we can get thats allowed in most of the countries we intend to visit!)

We then want to drive to Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland and back into Germany.

Has anyone here got any experience of driving in these more unusual holiday destinations? Namely Uktraine, Romania, Croatia and Bosnia?

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Not in the specfic ones you ask for but can confirm you will have no problems in Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland (and Czech presumably?). Croatia is also fine and I imagine that follows for Bosnia as well. The roads are pretty good. Just be aware of some very slow moving traffic and crazy overtaking. Anyone local who has got a fast car likes to show it off a bit.

BUT certainly in Austria, Swiss, Slovakia, Hungary you need to buy a vignette to use the motorways. Normally you can buy one for 10 days (sadly even if you are just passing through and they do check at the border sometimes).

Also at least in Hungary you need to have headlights on at all times on some roads. If in doubt wherever you are leave them on.

Finally, and particularly in Czech and Slovakia beware the mobile speed trap. There are lots and lots of them, just don't speed! In Hungary be prepared to be stopped for no particular reason and if they try and fine you ask to go to the local station to get the money and a receipt.

The Volvo would love this trip!

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