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Polo Parking sensor retrofit


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Hi Y'all,

Has anybody tried this on a 2006 Polo ?

I fitted a set to my 2003 A4 just after christmas and think their brill, so now I think it might be a good idea to fit a set to my 80 year old mother's 2006 polo 1.2 S grin.gif

So Here's the question.....

Is her car CAN, or can I tap into the reversing lights feed like on my B6 avant?

How difficult is it to remove the rear bumper on these cars?

Pretty basic questions I know but I'm loath to pull her car appart until I get all the info.... znaika.gif

Thanks in advance

Mike sekret.gif

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Thanks Astra Daz thats what I was hoping to hear. 169144-ok.gif

On the Avant I had quite a bit of trim to remove and just wasn't sure how difficult the wee polo is. Don,t want to horrify me mum confused.gif

Any idea how long it takes to remove the rear bumper ? Is it worth trying to fit it in between the rain showers crazy.gif

Thanks again for your quick reply. bowdown.gif

If I remember I will try to take photo's of the event.

Mike sekret.gif

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