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GTI - Edition 30 - Stolen....X4 BFC .............


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Hi, I've just had my GTI Edition 30 stolen in the early hours of this morning. It was "hooked and caned". Obviosly v. annoyed particualrly as I know about hook and cane and hid the keys in a plant pot! fekr.gif

Anyway it was stolen off my drive in Middlewich, Cheshire. I'd only moved in 3 weeks agao and had always garaged it at my old house, but with not having finished the unpacking I can't get it in the new one!!!

The car is bright red, DSG, with damage to the back right quarter (poor reversing) and a dent in the passenger dorr (keyed!). Not having a lot of luck with it am I? Its only 4 months old and I had to wait for ages to get it as well....

Anyone with any knowledge please let me know, its a long shot!

The polioce were great by the way. They got a fingerprint of the letter box. They also seem to have an idea who it was as well as they have CCTV pictures from an earlier theft. They just can't put a name or address to the image yet. They are fairly sure that it is in the Huyton (spelling?) or Speke area of Liverpool!

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Have to say - I feel your pain.

And as for muppetboy - yes, we should all watch because these things can go further afield than just to london as I'm sure people with trackers sometimes find.

Interesting thing - how many GTI and R32 owners bother with trackers? I guess people don't in sub 25k cars usually.

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Thnaks everyone for keeping your eyes open for it. I figured you folks would be the people who would recognise one, I still haven't seen another round here!

The coppers reckon if I don't have it back in 2 days I never will. Fortunately the insurance cover means I should get a brand new car, I don't know what the wait will be though.

Its just a pain, had to have the emergency locksmith in today to change all our locks as they were on the same bunch.

My wifes mother died over in Holland on Friday and this has just sent her back over the edge. Good job we were flying over for the funeral tomorrow and not driving.

I didn't bother with a tracker as I stupidly thought with it being locked in a garage I wouldn't need it. Even now I'm thinking would it be worth it, would I want it back if it was thrashed to an inch of its life?

Anyway, please keep watching as unlikely as a sighting may be. If only to catch the scum who took it.

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sorry muppetboy - my english was rather lacking there. Rushed post. Did you edit your post? I dunno - was just thinking that someone made a comment that London was far away, but I was merely suggesting it wasn't all that far away lol.

Can't remember what or whose post prompted me to type that.

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sorry muppetboy - my english was rather lacking there. Rushed post. Did you edit your post? I dunno - was just thinking that someone made a comment that London was far away, but I was merely suggesting it wasn't all that far away lol.

Can't remember what or whose post prompted me to type that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah ok... and no I didn't edit my post... anyway back on topic grin.gif

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It's true regarding how far the stolen car has gone - I got an earlier stolen car of mine back from about 6 miles from where it had been taken - yet it had done nearly 300 miles in 2 days. Strange.

Hope your situation resolves itself - real pain - fingers crossed for a good outcome 169144-ok.gif

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Hi, I've just had my GTI Edition 30 stolen in the early hours of this morning. It was "hooked and caned". Obviosly v. annoyed particualrly as I know about hook and cane and hid the keys in a plant pot! fekr.gif

Anyway it was stolen off my drive in Middlewich, Cheshire. I'd only moved in 3 weeks agao and had always garaged it at my old house, but with not having finished the unpacking I can't get it in the new one!!!

The car is bright red, DSG, with damage to the back right quarter (poor reversing) and a dent in the passenger dorr (keyed!). Not having a lot of luck with it am I? Its only 4 months old and I had to wait for ages to get it as well....

Anyone with any knowledge please let me know, its a long shot!

The polioce were great by the way. They got a fingerprint of the letter box. They also seem to have an idea who it was as well as they have CCTV pictures from an earlier theft. They just can't put a name or address to the image yet. They are fairly sure that it is in the Huyton (spelling?) or Speke area of Liverpool!

[/ QUOTE ]

the W**k**s, should catch them and fry them in a chair. sorry for your loss and feel your pain. hope the insurance pays out soon.

good luck 169144-ok.gif

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