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Speed camera van?


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Driving along a short stretch of dual carriageway on the A30 outside penzance,I drove past at rather too high a speed,an unmarked blue fiat van with blacked out windows,upon going back past slowly for another look I could see 2 cameras through the windows.My question is,was this just an automatic number plate recognition van or was it a speed trap.There were no other police vehicles around and the van had no markings at all,I assumed that it should be marked or some signs put out on the road?Any information gratefully accepted.

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If it is a mobile van measuring speed they have to put up a sign to say "Speed camera". This can be a mobile removebale sign or one that is there permnently.

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....Unfairly, some counties put up signs at their boundaries which say that mobile speed scameras operate throughout the county.

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No signs like that in devon and cornwall,rang police information line and they checked what was listed for the day on that stretch of road,thaey also hinted that it was not a speed camera but when asked was it for checks on tax disks etc ,said something like that but cannot give full details due to operational reasons

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