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Portugese in 24 hours


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Anyone got any Portugese language learning books/CD's etc tips?

Nothing special, just touristy stuff, but I want to know a bit because I hate going to a foreign country (and never been to Portugal before) without having the courtesy of being able to understand at least a little of what they're saying and be able to reply (somewhat).

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Yes/No: Sim/Não

Maybe: Talvez

Please: Se faz favour/Por favor

Thank you: Obrigado/a

You're welcome: De nada

Excuse me: Desculpe


Hello: Bom dia

Good morning: Bom dia

Good evening: Boa tarde

Goodbye: Adeus


Beautiful: belo

Better: melhor

Excellent: excelente

Good: bom/boa

Happy: feliz

Ill: doente

Married: casado/a

One more/another: mais um(a)

Getting around

What time does …leave/arrive?: A que horas parte/chega …?

The boat: o barco

The bus (city): o autocarro

The bus (intercity): a camioneta

The metro: o metro

The train: o combóio

The tram: o eléctrico


Go straight ahead: siga sempre a direito

Turn left: Vire á esquerda

Turn right: vire á direita

North: norte

South: sul

East: leste/este

West: oeste

Around Town

Where is the …?: Onde é …?

Bank: o banco

City centre: o centro de cidade

Hospital: o hospital

Hotel: um hotel

Market: o mercado

Police station: o posto da polícia

Post office: os correios

Public toilet: os sanitários

Tourist office: o turismo

Time & Dates

Monday: segunda-feira

Tuesday: terça-feira

Wednesday: quarta-feira

Thursday: quinta-feira

Friday: sexta-feira

Saturday: sábado

Sunday: domingo


One: um/uma

Two: dois/duas

Three: trés

Four: quatro

Five: cinco

Six: seis

Seven: sete

Eight: oito

Nine: nove

Ten: dez

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Thanks for that Pincher, and everyone else too.

If I get lost or given a smack in the mouth when I think I'm asking a woman what time it is....I'll be asking you questions Pincher. yelrotflmao.gif

I have been to a book shop tonight - not a single book on Portugese. However, those online flash cards sound very good too, so I'll be looking for those.

I just have a bit of a hang up about being in a foreign country (especially one I've never been to before) and not being able to speak a word of their language. You just never know when you might roll a car down an embankment and have to ask a local farmer for help, or something, oh you know what I mean. grin.gif

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