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how to apply wax


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hi all,

I've just bought a B7 A4 cabrio, Akoya Silver, about 8 months old and got some goodies on order including some wax. The wax is P21S, and although i've read that its not too durable (after ordering frown.gif) i'll give it a go and perhaps get something different later on.

Never having waxed a car I was wondering do you generally apply it to the whole car then buff off or apply/buff a panel at a time? Any tips for application of the product would be greatfully received smile.gif

The car had been 'lifeshined' when new so I don't know if that makes much difference but any advice would be welcome.

Many thanks,


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Hi Paul,

Congrats on the two new purchases!! P21s is a nice looking wax and your right durability isnt it srongest point. But not being durable isnt always a bad thing.

Which other products did you purchase along with P21s??

As your car has been lifeshine'd you might just be fine going ahead and applying p21s after you have washed the car. The Lifeshine is a long lasting protective sealant on the car, so even if the P21s is compromised then the Lifeshine should still be protecting your paintwork!!

As for p21s, application of this wax and others differs depending on user and conditions. There should be a small (ussally grey) applicater in the P21s jar, rub the app. in the wax and then apply to the car gently and evenly. It really should just glide across the surface of the paintwork. I would a do a couple of panels, the bonnet and then a wing and see if it still comes of easily. You should always start with the flat surfaces first, simply b/c they are more likly to get pollen, dust etc. blown on to them and you dont want to be wiping that against your paintwork.

P21s doesnt take a long time to set up and doesnt need to be left on the car for a long time to set up.

You might find that P21's cleasing lotion (Or paintwork cleaner) improves application and makes the paintwork look better.

Hope that helps!!


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Hi Geoff,

Many thanks for your help!! Much appreciated.

I've got some MF towels, bucket + grit guard, applicator pad and the P21S wax on order... thats to add to my stock of AG products from my previous car, a TT, which was lifeshined at birth smile.gif

I've applied SRP + EGP after washing before but never waxed on top so just wanted to take the advice of you knowledgable guys on here!

Thanks again.

Just waiting for a nice weekend now to get the car shiny and clean!!


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