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Woe - lost cat


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This morning I was only woken up my one of my cats, when usually they are both bouncing around ready to be fed and wanting fuss. I have been wandering around on and off trying to find the other one, but I can't find her and I have no idea where she could have got to.

My cats are what I would call housecats, and hardly ever go out. They've never really been bothered about going out much but recently I fitted a catflap so they could have the freedom of going out when they want to. Usually they're out for 5 mins and straight back in, which is why I'm so surprised that Tia hasn't been back all day.

Worst of all is that the cats are sisters and the other one is missing Tia so much. She's stood at the door hopeful to see her sister when I walk in the house, and she's followed me around all the time I've been in and cried quite a lot.

I'm really worried because it's very out of character and I'm beginning to fear the worst. She's microchipped and has a collar on along with the tag for the catflap, so it's obvious she's not a stray. But if someone finds her what are the chances that they'll take her to a vets crazy.gif

I miss her already and Honey (the other cat) just isn't the same without her sister around, she must know there's something wrong. I know some TSNers aren't cat lovers but these two have been my companions while I've been on my own and if Tia's gone I really am going to be devastated.

Is there anything I can do? crazy.giffrown.gif

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Hopefully she'll come back in her own good time - our cat has occasionally dropped out of his usual routine and not come back home when we expect.

If your cat flap has a direction setting, set it to in only and then if she comes back she can't go out again.

Has she been neutered?

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