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Digital TV Switchover


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Has anybody with a Navigation Plus considered what's going to happen when the Analogue TV signal gets switched over? It may be happening sooner than you think:


So, has anybody replaced their analogue tuner with a digital one and if so, is it easy/expensive/worth it? Can't think of anything better than watchin old re-runs of Only Fools & Horses on UKTV Gold!


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Hi, been there and tried it with a digi box from ebay, and i couldnt tune in a sausage, so i gave up, although the video games were fun (for a while)

I think the biggest problem is down to the antennas, and becuase of the solar glass fitted you all know that causes issues. My box was only cheap so it was worth a shot,but it did have dual powered antennas and was still poo.... some of the "better" known manufacturers make mobile digi boxes, but they are a lot of money and not really worth it in my opinion.

So, in a nutshell, if your going to get one, see it actually working before you buy becuase i dont quite think "mobile" freeview is there yet.

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What I would really like to try is these phantom powered antenna adaptors, these connect inline with your existing TV antenna cables and send power to the anetnna and provide the connection to the TV tuner


The only company selling them are Connex in Germany for 39 euros each, but they do not take paypal and have been a pain in the 4rse to deal with before.

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