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987S for sale


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Car now sold to a private buyer who collects later this week.

I gotta say that this car is probably the best car I have ever driven and owned, the new owner is getting a great car for the money he paid.

Last year I was looking at spending £45k on a 996, after driving some 18 examples something still was missing. The dealer handed me the keys to a 987S and told me to enjoy myself.

An hour later we came back and could'nt believe the vast improvement over a 996... 169144-ok.gif the dynamics, the handling, the noise, the overall performance was great VFM.

Even the luggage space was more than my M3 !!

The car was so compliant on the road and totally rewarding on the track.

We signed up there and then.

So, you doubters who disregard the 987S, think again - take one out for a test drive.

You will be won over, with the roof down it's the sexist car on the road.

Long Live the 987S heart.gifheart.gif


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What are you going for now/have already.

My 987 is in for a 20k service tomorrow 22 days after its a year old. I have done 800 miles this week in it love it, I want a 997S but I can say it will be twice as good at the Boxster.

It hasent dropped a beat in a year I go to Liverpool every week in it and have been to London twice in the last week, comfy to drive and rewarding when required. You will miss it.

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I did a flying trip to Newcastle from Canberra in mine about 3 weeks ago. Went up late Friday night (about 470km from my place to my parents') - all at 110 or 100km/h enforced by draconian highway patrol and speed cameras - and back that Saturday night. It just loped along and was easily the best car I've ever done a rush trip like that in. 169144-ok.gif

Of course once there - cruising into town and along the beaches was quite enjoyable too. grin.gif

The R32 is quite tiring to drive over the same roads - NVH, exhaust noise, tyre noise, suspension... :-(

(reason for trip - to say goodbye to my grandmother who is 91 and in rapidly failing health)

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Have a TSN get together on Nobby's Beach (where the Pasha Bulker ran aground during the big storms of the June long weekend).

Bison could swim up from Bondi! jump.gif

The Boxster did love the trip - and the way home on Saturday night was quiet and a little eerie - I think I passed maybe 20 cars in total heading south. Even though mine is not an "S", the perfect matching of the 5 speed box to the engine made the whole thing effortless - my biggest dilemma was music to keep me awake (put 6 Faithless albums in the changer), and whether to have a packet of Werther's Butterscotch in the car, or Kool Fruits.

My grandmother has had a good innings and has asked for "no intervention" w.r.t. her health and eating/drinking. So for my family up there, it is a day by day thing, waiting for her to pass on. Sad, true, but the saddest bit is that none of her other grandkids (who mostly still live up there) have made any efforts to regularly see her. frown.gif

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Sorry to hear about your Grandmother.

As for the Boxster, I have a 700 mile blue one today while mine is in, I had to be i Liverpool today so its sitting on my drive now as I didnt get back to colect mine in time. I did Bootle to Solihull in two hours tonight, you gotta love the M6 Toll.

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