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Brighton/Portchester Poll


England v Portugal  

  1. 1. England v Portugal

    • England in normal time
    • Portugal in normal time
    • England in extra time
    • Portugal in extra time
    • England on penalties
    • Portugal on penalties

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Executive decision to postpone Brighton due to august being a busy month for everybody. New date - saturday 1st september but this will mean bumping Portchester to october or skipping Brighton altogether. Vote on your choice and Dave or myself will organise something.

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Could be tempted by some cheeky Brighton beers and slick moves...

[/ QUOTE ]

Im itching to feed the pigeons and shoot them down again, not that i would do anything like that of course would i

Dan or Rich UHOH7.GIFgrin.gifyelrotflmao.gif

I may even be rolling in the new works toy then too 169144-ok.gif

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I voted Brighton for the next meet, but that would through out the Christmas meet at Brighton which I think would be better, unless of course we do a double at some point.

Anyways September is pretty clear, apart from the 9th for me.

One thing I mentioned to Roy yesterday was the idea of having the night out on the Saturday but the meet on a Sunday, so people who work, or have things that need doing on Saturdays can potentially still make both activities?

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The great man has spoken. Wouldn't be a night out without you Royster! What about the following weekend 8/9th doing Dave's idea of night out sat and meet sunday? We could always do a double meet the month after to make it so Brighton is the christmas one

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