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Everything posted by worfke

  1. mmm let's just say a mayor financial institution in Brussels I wouldn't want to invade anyone's privacy...
  2. There is this guy at my Girlfriends work who has encountered a little tragedy. So first of all I should state that nobody likes him at all, not that they pester him or anything but most people just think he's an ars*. Now, they have a VW golf 110Hp TDI as a company car but he had his chipped and was bragging to everyone about it, even up to the point of going racing with the one guy that likes him on the brussels ring to test how fast it could go DURING his office hours... (210 Kph by the way). Now, last week he had an accident totaling his car but he himself surviving without too much damage. BUT the garage found out he chipped the car, told the lease company who in turn told his company... Result: Fired immediately AND he has to pay for the car from his onw money, since the insurance company won't cover... Morale: I will not be chipping my company car.
  3. Tolerances between manufacturers vary but are at least 15%, to cover for production variances. This means that a tire rated at 190 Kph is actually designed to take (X-15%) = 190 Kph thus 223.5 Kph, and according to manufacturer specifications could be good for up to 223.5 * 1.15 = 257 Kph. Furthermore, car weight is also an important factor: Tires are designed to take these speeds at their load limit, so if your car is considerably lighter than that, the tires will be able to take somewhat higher speeds as well. Outside temerature, Road conditions, ... are all a factor. However, remember that you could always have an especially bad one, these tolerances are there for a reason! I don't know about the UK but in Belgium your insurer will refuse to cover if they suspect (can prove) you have been driving too fast with some type of tires.
  4. So is it the VOTEX one I was telling you about? It certainly looks like it... I always feared that the remotes were going to snap off my keyring since the rubber looks so flimsy, but in the end they survived almost 2 year of mistreatement without any problems at all...
  5. But these pics are obviously photoshopped? How otherwise can they park the same car in the exact same space each time? Granted some of these look good but I wouls like to see the real thing before going for a respray... I especially like the brown and the yellow/greeny one..
  6. I had the most satisfying experience about this yesterday! There is this guy at work who was laughing at me for putting winter tires (Michelin alpin) on my car in (very flat) Brabant/Belgium. Saying that I was trowing my money away and that you don't need winter tyres in Belgium, I mean really really annoying and being very 'hautain' about it. Now, yesterday, we had rain after a week of -8 and lower temperatures and of course the streets turned into ice. Arriving at work, there is a pretty steep descent and coincidentially I arrive at the exact same moment as this guy. He drives down first, starts sliding, cannot correct and slams HEAD ON into a pole, soing some serious damage to his car. So he gets out and starts signalling frantically to me that I should not drive down. I drive down anyway, stop next to his car in the middle of the descent without any problems (Ok, the ABS was working, but I could stop without problems and I did not slide), open my window and tell him: "wow, this is going to cost you a lot more than a set of winter tires", close my window and enter the garage with a jolt of satisfaction. Am I bad or what.
  7. Releasing the handbrake while driving might help... seriously, you should get this checked, it is probably due to a faulty sensor causing the ECU to inject too much diesel. Have you noticed any performance degradations? By the way, is this average consumption displayed by the trip computer? Have you manually verified this number?
  8. worfke

    oil stinks

    Need a power trip? Connect hose from your tailpipe to your mounth. Hit the rev limiter.
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