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Dip Stick


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Am I going mad or does the CSL have an electronic dipstick and the normal M3 relies on getting your hands dirty?

I was sat there pressing all the buttons and can'f find it anywhere, so I'm assuming the CSL has a big lump of carbon in the way of the manual dipper.

Cheers lads,


PS - forgotten how good the throttle response is on this engine, there really is nothing like it that I've had, best in the business 169144-ok.gif

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As I suspected then!

Wonder whether the M3 has the capability and not the software to do this? It's too cold to go mucking around under the bonnet, that's what the dealers do isn't it? grin.gif

Do you know many more of the differences Simon? I swear the SMG software is not as aggressive as the CSL, I'm driving round in S5 and it's really smooth round town, whereas the CSL I'd be in 2 or 3 IIRC.

Go and get a proper car Hopsta fekr.gif

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I'll have a dig around later but IIRC the CSL has a totally different engine management system (partly to take account of the different induction system).

Also the CSL SMG software is different (ie faster as you suggest) than the stock M3, however it is considered that the later CS version of the M3 has the CSL SMG software so at a rough guess unless they use totally different SMG controllers/relays etc then it maybe possible to flash the CSL software - someone like Thorney would know better though.

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Cheers Simon 169144-ok.gif

There's no way I'm pissing about with software on the car, unless it gives me the lazy dip stick that is grin.gif

One thing I would like is M Track as DSC cuts in so quickly that you can't play much on the road at all with it on - I'm up for a day like you did on a wet handling course when I get a bit of time free to see what it does.

CS has M Track too doesn't it? I know it gets slated but I though it was pretty good fun.

Perhaps I should have bought a CSL again grin.giftongue.gif My usual 6 months is up in May cool.gif

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