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holograms (again)


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Detailing should *not* cause this. In that, I mean, a pro should not inflict them. If he has, as Alex said, get him back and if he's any good, he'll sort it for you. Of course the other side is that you may have caused them yourself by, as geoff said, a washing technique, but certainly, they are easily sorted either way.

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One way that they get inflicted atleast from what i have seen in the case of my sister is that even though they have all the right cleaning gear it just isnt used right.

The washing isnt really removing all dirt, so while you look at the car and think its clean in various places the WW drying towel is coming up with dirt on which then gets rubbed over the car. This causes very close together, very dense marring that gives that that hologram effect.

Most of the places you will get this diry is along the seals at the bottom of the car, in the little door gaps, up close esp. on the bottom of the plastic trim.

If you want even more security swap out your WW (waffle weave drying towel) for a MicroFibre drying towel. I think Alex has some. The MF will work to keep dirt away from the car more if you have them.

Often you can tell if they are from the detailer as you will see these holograms, often descibed as "buffer trails" following a polishing pattern which is clearly visable in the sun. Normally washing induced ones should not be as visable on the roof or the bonnet of your car as they get washed first, and have the best action on a pre soak and get the cleanest wipes with the wash mitt!

I have said before, on a regular daily driver its very hard to keep the car looking 100%. Just coming in to contact with the paintwork on a regular basis causes the possible micro marring action. I would say my cars are about 95% defect free, if you went out with a lamp you would find minor marking in places except on my garaged car.


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