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X Box Live Gamertag Question


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Like a bit of a dick, I've created a new gamertag to go online with, not thinking that the current one I've been gaming with up until now has all of my achievements. So basically, I've got a complete novice gamertag so if I play Forza for instance, I don't have any cars in my garage apart from the regular ones and and on COD4 I'm unlocked at Lance Corporal!!

Is there any way of transferring all of my history onto my new gamertag now that I've paid to get online or am I fooked? smashfreakB.gif

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Right. Apparently there are two ways of doing this.

1. Really easy, the pay about £8.00 and Microsoft sort if out for you.....or

2. This is where I got lost. He said something about he had to create another windows live account and then sign into using the ID you want and then sign into the other one at the same time or something.

It was a bit busy a work today and I didn't have a great nights sleep (thanks missus!!) so I'll ask again tomorrow once my brain has engaged properly. Number 1 is correct though.

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Sorry about not coming back sooner, the guy said it is basically how I wrote it to start with although he isn't exactly sure himself how he did it!!

I'd create another windows live ID account, it doesn't cost anything and then try fiddling around with it. It must be quite a common problem otherwise Microsoft wouldn't be charging £8.50 a pop to sort it out. Perhaps do a search on google (helpfull I know) but its all I can suggest.

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