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Cable in your area?


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Right, I live in Kent on a newish development. It's about 6-7 years old and from my understanding Telewest own the infrastructure. When the area was being built they flooded the area out but hit financial difficulties and decided not to terminate the fibre to the development.

So outside my house and road we have loads of these manhole covers but no cable service.

I have called telewest and Virgin but no one can seem to tell me who I need to speak to tell me if and when the bribe is going to be terminated or hooked up to the network.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or is there a site I can sign up with to register my interest?


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Group letter, rally all the locals with a simple yes, no, maybe and if you get enough yes and maybe then that could validate a business plan for TW / Virgin.

As you may know Virgin is a direct service and service does depend on where the exchange is, if local node is on line and then plant (cable) between that point and your property.

So Dartford might have full Virgin service, but a village outside may not. Reason is logical, infrastructure costs as in civils- duct work, local node plant and power, cable to doorstep and fibre from exchange to node.

Nudge Azure- I think he's a TW manager, asking him to do post code search and see if Virgin / TV are planning to activate in your area anytime soon.

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