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You know how some owners use plastic ties to secure their hub caps to their wheels? Well, I noticed a car with a plastic tie on its wheel this morning.

Then, it struck me that the hub cap looked very convincing as an alloy wheel. I know hub cap manufacturers are trying to give them the alloy wheel look, but most are not very good likenesses. This one, though... very imprressive.

Then I thought ... hang on, it IS an alloy wheel! There's no steel wheel behind it, the valve comes straight out of the rim, it's clearly an alloy wheel. So why is there a plastic tie wrapped round one of the seven spokes?

Then I looked at the rest of the car ... a Toyota Pious!

The Pious: in tests, 8 out of 10 prats preferred it grin.gif

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You know how some owners use plastic ties to secure their hub caps to their wheels? Well, I noticed a car with a plastic tie on its wheel this morning.

Then, it struck me that the hub cap looked very convincing as an alloy wheel. I know hub cap manufacturers are trying to give them the alloy wheel look, but most are not very good likenesses. This one, though... very imprressive.

Then I thought ... hang on, it IS an alloy wheel! There's no steel wheel behind it, the valve comes straight out of the rim, it's clearly an alloy wheel. So why is there a plastic tie wrapped round one of the seven spokes?

Then I looked at the rest of the car ... a Toyota Pious!

The Pious: in tests, 8 out of 10 prats preferred it grin.gif

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