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talk to me about tow bars...........


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i have a factory fit detachable tow bar i have no instructions for it and i need to use it to tow my mk1 new weekend

do i simply push it up in place as it just clicks in or do i have to do something with the knob on the side once its in???????


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If you follow the same procedure as me first time, you'll push it up until it clicks into place. Then, when you push the trailer hitch down onto it, the whole assembly falls out onto the road. blush.gif

If I remember correctly, you have to turn the knob and withdraw the key.

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i have a factory fit detachable tow bar i have no instructions for it and i need to use it to tow my mk1 new weekend

do i simply push it up in place as it just clicks in or do i have to do something with the knob on the side once its in???????


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Insert the red key. Turn to unlock. Then pull the knob out about quarter inch and turn until it clicks, then its ready to install.

'Shove' it up the hole until it clicks and grabs firmly. If its not been used for a while, they can get muck in there and it might take some effort the first time to get it in. There is a red cap that is supposed to be fitted to prevent this, but I've not known anyone even know whats that for let alone use it !

Turn the red key back to lock and remove key.

To remove, insert key, unlock. Pull knob out again and turn until the swan neck drops out.

Enjoy... 169144-ok.gif

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I just used my retrofitted detachable towbar for the first time at the weekend. It's like IT_S8 says, hold the ball in your hand, put the key in the lock and turn to unlock, now pull out the hand wheel and turn clockwise I think until you hear a click, now it's ready to fit (the ball bearings will have retracted into the shaft). Push the shaft up into the recess, you might have to really heave it to make it snap into place - mind your back!!

There's not really much chance of mis-fitting it as you can't lock it or take the key out unless it's snapped into position and the handwheel is locked shut.

Test it with your weight to make sure it's definitely in place.

The electrics are on a little sprung assembly that swings down at the exhaust side of the ball, and if it's a euro-style 13-pin socket, you'll need an adaptor to convert to UK 7-pin.

My S8 towed my caravan at the weekend and it was a breeze, couldn't really tell it was towing anything to be honest, and this is a 17.5ft caravan with all the trimmings, a boot full of tool boxes, back seat full of bags and clothes. Just stuck it on cruise at 60 and it never faltered. Top towing car!

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My S8 towed my caravan at the weekend and it was a breeze, couldn't really tell it was towing anything to be honest, and this is a 17.5ft caravan with all the trimmings, a boot full of tool boxes, back seat full of bags and clothes. Just stuck it on cruise at 60 and it never faltered. Top towing car!

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Caravan - S8............

S8 - Caravan.............

You evil evil man! tongue.gifopenfire.gif

I've reported you to Top Gear for cruelty to sports saloons.

Clarkson's gonna have you!


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grin.gif I get this all the time. Used to have people slate me for towing with a Vectra GSi (good towing car too).

This is the beauty of detachable towbars though, once it's hidden you'd never know it was a caravan towcar, it goes back to being the brute force luxury barge again.

Thing is, why shouldn't I tow with the car I love? I'd have had an R33 Skyline if I could have fitted a towbar to it, but alas I plumped for the Vectra for practicality. Now I've got something as powerful as an R33 but with the bonus of being able to tow my little home once a year, I'm made up 169144-ok.gif

Don't confuse me with Granddad Tourer though, I tow once every 12 to 24 months, I use motorways whenever possible and I travel in the early hours (1am embark usually), so the chances of getting stuck behind me are gonna be pretty slim ECLIPSe.gif

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I live in Devon. The summer is hell.

My best mate's a hotelier. Caravan owners hate hoteliers and want to drive them all out of business so everyone uses caravans and nobody drives in a spirited manner.

This is my conspiracy theory; mine i tell you; all mine!!!



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Gave a workmate a lift to and from a team meet in Brum last week. And after a wee while passing stuff effortlessly on the M6 for a bit, he laughed about how you wouldn't be caught dead with a towbar on something like the '8 and how it would tow like 'a very good towing thing'(he's had diesel Picasso and X-Trail for his 2-axle van), he was dumbfounded to have me point out my tow-hitch at the next services stop.

And as an aside, my dad wishes he'd had an 8 when we used to go on caravan holidays (me too, I'd actually have had some space in the car!)

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Personally I fail to see the point of caravans...

They cost money to buy up front. They cost money on your insurance. They cost money to maintain. They cost money to drag around the country. You get abuse everywhere you go. It takes longer to get places.

When you do the sums a B&B works out a lot cheaper and more comfortable too! The only point to a tow bar on an '8 that I can see is to drag another vehicle around on a trailer (serious 4x4, rally/race car, trail bikes, Yachts, powerboats and the like - proper big boys toys!)....

And there's the other problem with caravans - you have to leave the big boys toys at home!

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Guys - a word of warning on the detachable tow bar! I have one and when I first fitted it, it seemed OK but I could never get the key out. So I just used it with the key in - until the trailer came off, fully loaded! The towbar had simply dropped off.

Anyway - loads of advice and WD40 later, there are 3 key rules:

1. Dont use it unless you can lock it. If it's not locked, it's not fully engaged.

2. When not in use, store it in the 'sprung' position (handle retracted), otherwise you can weaken the spring apparently

3. Use loads of WD40

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  • 3 weeks later...

well lets just say my 1st towing experience with the A8 didn't go to plan

i went to pick up a written off mk4 golf gti turbo for the engine for one of my mk1 golf's

end ended up with 2 written off cars sekret.gif


whoops, that a full 180 degree spin with the car and trailer facing the wrong way on a duel carriageway

main factor was the cross wind i just saved it from hitting the centre barrier 1st

time for a new one now yelrotflmao.gif


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Gutting... At least no flesh wounded.

Its worth seeing if the ins company will let you keep it, they can often sell it back to the owner cheap even if its written off....

Photo doesn't look that bad, but I guess its all panel damage and probably the rear O/S quarter which will never straighten...?

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Absolutely gutted for you mate! I own a caravan (being a proper dutchman lol!) which had a blowout doing 60mph on a motorway so i know how hard it is to control a car when you are towing it and it starts to swerve badly. (i got out of it luckily but it was a right 'mare).

Hope the insurance hassle isn't too bad and you manage to sort things out.


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oo mate, that is heart breaking. After all your effort. Really feel for you.

If there is anything poistive it's that you are both ok.

I suppose you can also look forward to a new project usng all the experiance you gained on the 8. A pheonix rising from the ashes? I guess from you posts your a bit of a perfectionist so I'll look forward to what you do next.

Glad you got out ok.


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