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New S4 Owner with a few questions!


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Hi all,

Been busy reading and inwardly digesting the masses of content on here for a while now, thanks.

I recently became the owner of a nice S4 cab, and have a few questions i would love to run past some of the very experienced and knowledgable people here, if you would be so kind.

1. The car has the DVD nav fitted, but i'm getting errors on reading the disk, the chap i got the car from has the disk copied, so its not the original. Every now and again the unit just won't see the disk, it says 'incorrectly inserted' or 'the DVD drive is not working, see the dealer'. Does anyone know anyting about this?

2. Again with the SatNav, is there any way i can tell if it has the TV tuner?

3. And again with the SatNav, is there anyway i can hook up my phone to it, there is an option there, but i can't seem to find out if the car has the bluetooth option or not.

At the moment i think thats all the queries i have, the V8 growl is enough to keep me smiling jump.gif

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1. The car has the DVD nav fitted, but i'm getting errors on reading the disk, the chap i got the car from has the disk copied, so its not the original. Every now and again the unit just won't see the disk, it says 'incorrectly inserted' or 'the DVD drive is not working, see the dealer'. Does anyone know anyting about this?

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This is a common issue with copied DVD's. You need to get a genuine DVD and try that. If you still get read errors then you could have a dirty laser lens which will need cleaning.


2. Again with the SatNav, is there any way i can tell if it has the TV tuner?

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Press the CD/TV button and then the Source button - if TV appears as an option then either you have a TV tuner or a previous ownder has fitted an AV interface. To tell which, select TV...


3. And again with the SatNav, is there anyway i can hook up my phone to it, there is an option there, but i can't seem to find out if the car has the bluetooth option or not.

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Turn the ignition on and setup your phone to search for Bluetooth devices - if your car has Bluetooth then your phone will find something like "Audi UHVnnnn".

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Hi PetrolDave thanks for the info.

I was thinking that the copy DVD would be the problem, i do have the original DVD but its of an earlier version and when i put that in it tells me its out of date. Figures, is there a way to down grade the SatNav version?

I've pressed all the buttons the manual tells me to for the TV, but i don't get the option, is there a lead or part required to get this to work?

Again the same with the phone and bluetooth, i can't see anything, does anyone know what/if i can get the bluetooth part to add and get this working?

Thanks in advance

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If you want TV and/or bluetooth they can be retrofitted but it's not a £10 job. It sounds like your car has neither.

It is possible to downgrade the nav software version to use the older disc but you need to use a computer tool and correct cable (VAG-COM) to do so.

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Cool thanks for the info.

The Bluetooth is the most important, is there someone on the forum who can help with this/know the part i require?

As for the SatNav i have VagCom and used it on my TT before, are there some instruction on how to use this and downgrade?

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I've run copied DVD in all of my Audi's and have never had a problem with them. It sound like your unit is a good few year old if your original disk won't read, due to firmware being to new. This could be in indication that the lens needs cleaning or the DVD drive mechanism need replacing.

There are a few people on this forum that can retrofit Bluetooth, but it all depends where you are based. You can retrofit it yourself, you will need a wiring harness Bluetooth module, Audi microphone and a Bluetooth antenna. You can buy the kit from Kufatec, for just over £400. or the installers on here will do the job for £400.

I would not bother down grading the software, as if you disk is too out of date the retrofit telephone module won't work correctly. You can buy 2007 nav disks from ebay for around £50

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I'm hoping the lens is just dirty too, i've got on order a lens cleaner disk! The original DVD reads, it just says its out of date, the drive playes CD's and MP3 cd's OK, just the nav disk. I have copied the original disk myself onto a new dual layer, but i still get the error!

I'm happy to fit the bluetooth kit myself, i'm fairly happy with install work, have done a few headunit/amp/tv etc kit myself. Does anyone know the bits i'll need? Thanks

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v409-1 will not code the Bluetooth module, you will need a full current version with a genuine ross tech lead and costs about £200 new.


If you want it installing, then there are three people I know, CraigyB (Manchester) Shark90 (worksop) and TDiAvant ME (Darlington).

It's not a hard installation, but you will need the correct version of vag-com

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