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PlayStation 3 Firmware released (2.20)


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Here are some of the other new features/enhancements that will be included in Firmware v2.20:

The ability to copy PS3 Music and Photo playlists to a PSP system. We introduced the ability to create Music and Photo playlists on the PS3 in firmware update v2.0. Now you can easily export your playlists to your PSP.

You can now play DivX and WMV format files that are over 2 GB. In addition, you can now display subtitles when viewing DivX files.

Resume Play - begin playing a DVD or BD disc from the point where you previously stopped it, even if you eject the disc and insert a different movie or game.

Use your PSP as a remote control to play back your music files on your PS3 without turning on your TV

The Internet browser now displays some web pages faster. In addition [save Target] has been added as an option under file. This option lets you save a file that is linked to a web page to your PS3 hard drive or storage media

There are a few other tweaks and upgrades included in v2.20 - we’ll provide more specifics as the update is about to go live.

Most notably, the update enables the PS3 to support Blu-ray Disc Profile 2.0, also known as BD-Live. You can connect now to the Internet while playing discs that support BD-Live to obtain additional content and special features. These features vary from disc to disc, and will keep your BD discs fresh with new content and in some cases exclusive content only accessible to owners of BD-Live enabled discs. On April 8th Sony Pictures Home Entertainment will release The 6th Day and Walk Hard on Blu-ray; these titles will be among the first to take advantage of BD-Live. With this update, the PLAYSTATION 3 becomes the first Blu-ray player on the market with BD-Live functionality.

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Updated the new firmware wearlier this morning and it took forever, at least 40 mins to download and update. Anyone else find it slow? Or is it just a big bugga?

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That's about right mate. For some reason the downloads are running much slower than usual.

It's 121 MB but I'm only getting about 65KB/s download speed so it's going to take about 30 mins to download.

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Use your PSP as a remote control to play back your music files on your PS3 without turning on your TV

[/ QUOTE ]

grin.gif ok, so PSP and PS3 both updated to the latest firmware - PS3 login set to auto and audio output set to PS3 - isn't the PS3 supposed to power on when you hit remote play on the PSP? 169144-ok.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ooo ooo oo I have an excuse to try and find the PSP :grin:

I've even got media streaming working via my Mac now too, which is nice. Seems to directly support DIVX movies too?

Is a nice bit of kit me thinks...... But do I need this, an XBOX, Wii and a PS2....A nintendo 64. I'm not convined. Ebay fest on its way I think.

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Ooo ooo oo I have an excuse to try and find the PSP :grin:

I've even got media streaming working via my Mac now too, which is nice. Seems to directly support DIVX movies too?

Is a nice bit of kit me thinks...... But do I need this, an XBOX, Wii and a PS2....A nintendo 64. I'm not convined. Ebay fest on its way I think.

Yes the PlayStation3 is becoming quite a multi-purpose machine.... im very impressed so far! Divx is supported too, hence why it plays Divx clips etc.

Sell the rest and keep the PlayStation3 :grin:

I never imagined that the firmware could make such a difference as it has done so far. It really has slowly developed the PlayStation3`s performace and features etc... wonder when they will run out of Processing power!

In game xmb-cross bar is coming too!

Riz :cool:

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I'm not sure what version I'm running mate but it works brilliantly as far as I'm concerned :cool:

So I have an iMac running 'my background stuff like VMWare servers and all that rubbish, and on that the Medialink s/w. This then connects through and feeds whatever I want to my PS3... It just works +++

It's running through an Apple Airport Extreme too - so my Mac goes in on 802.11n (I.e. the fast one) and my PS3 connects over the old standard.

I'm not sure what else it needs to do other than serve up my music, photos and movies to the PS3. It certainly does that well and reliably and hell, for 20US$ it's a bargin +++

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