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My own fault entirely - I in error did not declare the SP30 on my license as being within the 5 year period (mistook the date being 4 years not 5 at the time of insuring)

I now need to make a claim but know this will be spotted and potentially invalidate the policy.

Should I call them and declare even though the claim is in progress, or deal with it when the time comes?

As mentioned, completely my fault, bu wasn’t sure if there was anything I could do to reverse this before the claim is refused?

Any assistance appreciated.

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If it was me, i wouldn't say anything and if they do pick it up then come clean and say you made a mistake and thought it only counted for 4 years as this is the length of time after which it comes off your license.

Unfortunately your between a rock and a hard place

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95% of insurers don't penalise you for the 1st endorsement- more so if it's a bog standard SP10/20/30 offence.

If found to be lying they will revoke the claim. Some authorised repairers as part of the insurance process will ask for you DL green slip and copy over the details which will end up back with the insurers.

With DVLA happy to supply details to all and sundry regarding anyone's licence state I think you will be found out and as such are better being proactive rather than reactive.

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Don't speak to them though. Lie detectors are hooked up to the phones in claims departments these days.

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I think that's a myth spread by insurance companies to scare you sekret.gif

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Hmmm, not so sure. I've had to visit a few call centres over the last 12 months whilst assessing hardware for our call centre. The voice stress analyzers are increasingly common within claims centres. They can't legally base any decision on the "stress reading" from your voice but are more inclined to investigate a claim that is flagged.

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OK, I stand corrected.

To be honest anytime I call up an insurance company I'm stressed due to the normal call centre stuff like "your call is important to us", "your in a queue, and will be answered shortly", annoying music and then when you finally get through to someone in India they don't have a clue or say "you'll need to speak to another dept,which is now closed although you can call tehm up tomorrow between 9am and 9.05am when they are open"

I would be setting there stress analyzer off every time smashfreakB.gif

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