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New Parking Rules


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These new rules concern me.

I got a ticket a few years ago. Car was parked with valid ticket on display, but window was frozen over, so warden put a ticket on anyway. Easy to dispute - I could take pictures to prove the issue.

If i'd have got a ticket 2 weeks later in the psot, it would have made it very ahrd to dispute as I'd have been hard pushed to prove the weather had been bad and the warden a part time criminal (well must have been to falsley put tickets on screens surely?).

Not convinced this is a mveo in the right direction.

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I've just had a quick read of these rules and it would seem that they are totally inconsistent, and largely not much of a change if you live in London and get penalised by both councils and city hall (the latter we can hopefully do something about in a couple of weeks!)

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I agree with you. The rules should be made to prevent people from parking where they are not supposed to be and keep the traffic flowing.

It's the same as speeding, they are trying to catch more people doing it rther than preventing people doing it.

Easiest way to stop me speeding is patrol it with a high profile cop car but alas they use unmarked cars to catch people and not prevent them.

I guess I'm just too cynical in my old age 169144-ok.gif

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I'm sorry, but every time I hear this government talking about cars/pollution/road charging and supposed congestion elimination - all my mind hears is stealth tax, hidden tax, revenue generation...

I do however balance all of this against the following:

1. How much GB lost us during his time as chancellor by selling off UK bullion at a decade low

2. How much tax payers money has been pumped into Northern Wreck to officially turn public a private firm with an exceeding dodgy asset book

3. How official CPI and government inflation levels seem to increase in variation week by week

Have I missed anything??

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