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Direct Line crappiness...


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So the long and short of it is, I was rear-ended today whilst driving my Mother's Citroen Saxo, the damage isn't too bad miraculously. shocked.gif

I notified Direct Line, who both parties are insured with, and was told by them and also clearly printed in the policy for which my folks pay a premium for every year, that we are entitled to a hire car whilst ours is off the road.

It says in the policy that the hire car will be delivered to and collected from your door which is the main reason my parents decided to take out the extra premium.

However, on speaking to Direct Line and Enterprise (the contracted hire company) they say that they do not and will not deliver to and from your door, and customers have to go to their local office for collection and return. mad.gif

They will, however, come and collect you from your home, take you to their premises so you can collect the car and the same when returning as far as I know.

I have a huge problem with this, as it is not the service that has been stated by Direct Line and paid for by my parents.

It is also documented on their website here...


Any ideas on where I stand with this as I simply do not have the time to be assing around and taking time out of my day to be driven to and from the arse-end of London at which my closest branch is. confused.gif

Thanks peeps! beerchug.gif

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Phone up, speak to someone, have the same conversation you have already had with them, then state that the T+C's state this is not correct. They will then say this does not apply.


Ask to speak to a supervisor.

You should then get someone who knows what they are talking about and who can be reasoned with.

Had exactly the same thing yesterday when someone went into the back of Alison - One fecked Ka, hardly a scratch on the Volvo !

Car is going in next week to (hopefully) just a new back bumper.

A phoned up her insurers (NU) and had a conversation about how the claim will progress, they were talking bollox, I asked to speak to the supervisor, 2 minutes later, same person comes on the phone; "That will be fine Mr Scooby, car will be delivered on monday, we will contact the repairers etc...."

Most of the first line staff in the call centers cannot add up 1+1 and get the right answer; they work of "scripts" and they usually cannot think or be reasoned with; do't waste time with them; get them to a point in the script wher they need to take a breath and then ask to speak to the supervisor. Works every time......

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Hmm. Point 8 on that page is quite clear and it explicitly states that they'll bring the car to you. Seems like misrepresentation to me (is that the legalese for that?). I think you've got good grounds to kick off smile.gif

I'd also save a copy of that web page/screen shot (if it's not in their documents) in case they try and change the page.

I'd politely explain to them that it states a car will be delivered to you (not you delivered to a car) in the documents and on the website and if their contracted car supplier doesn't provide the service which Direct Line sell to their customers that they'd better find you a company which does. znaika.gif

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Thanks guys. beerchug.gif

Just out of interest, the fact that I've now had an accident, irrespective of the fact that it was not my fault, and the insurers always ask you whether or not you've had an accident in the last 3 years, is this likely to increase my premium? confused.gif

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Until the claim has been finalised and you have recovered your excess or received an admission of liability from the offending drivr's insurer, your premium may be adjusted (assuming a renewal occurs between now and then).

Once you can say that it was a "no fault" accident evidenced by the recovery of said excess, (or admission of liability) your insurance position should not be affected.

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8. Let it come to you

Unlike regular car hire, Direct Line’s Guaranteed Hire Car brings the vehicle to you. A hire car will be delivered to you – anywhere on the UK mainland – and collected from your home address or any place no further away than your home address.

that is as clear as water

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Until the claim has been finalised and you have recovered your excess or received an admission of liability from the offending drivr's insurer, your premium may be adjusted (assuming a renewal occurs between now and then).

Once you can say that it was a "no fault" accident evidenced by the recovery of said excess, (or admission of liability) your insurance position should not be affected.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't hold your breath, in some cases it will count against you. Take the MMA master motorist policy for example. You can't have it if you have had any accidents. Direct Line even count windscreen claims.

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Basically, the father of the girl who crashed into me has pleaded with my parents to allow him settle privately as the excess and increase in his premium amounts to £1400 which is substantially less than the repair costs to said Saxo.

We have informed Direct Line of this fact and they have said that it is prefectly reasonable to accept his offer, however to leave the claim in place until we have recieved payment for the repairs in full.

If we now close the claim to persue the private route, is this likely to cause any penalties as far as our insurance policy is concerned and also, will this still be recorded on the database as a non-fault accident.

We have made it quite clear that this is the guilty party's request. Also to mention, we are both insured with Direct Line if this has any bearing on the situation.

Thanks for all your assistance guys! beerchug.gif

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