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Locking nut key replacement


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I have a 52 plate A4 which I took along to a well known (and indeed respected) tyre specialist in December to have the front rubbers replaced. All was well, etc, then a few days ago I realised one of the rears has a slow puncture, so I tried to find the locking nut key and found it wasn't in the normal place or indeed anywhere in the car, in other words the guy who fitted the tyres forgot to put it back in the car.

Fair enough I should've checked, but having been in a rush after having to wait the usual 2hrs to be seen, meant I assumed he had put it back. Have since called them up to explain only to be told that their staff don't make mistakes like that, and if they did, the key would likely have been thrown away since. Only option at present is to make the 2hr round trip on the offchance they have it, or get one from Audi.

So the question is: if I have to get a replacement, are Audi the only people to go to (and therefore greedily extortionate)? I haven't spoken with them yet. Or is there another solution?

I know I should've paid more attention, so any advice appreciated.



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I think it will be Audi although I believe there is only a choice of about 6 so they should be able to match them up for you if you can't identify the correct one. Does it look like you need a big "star drive" bit as unless the car was new it is always possible the previous owner has changed them for aftermarket jobs ?

Most tyrefitting places have a set of keys/tools to get them off but not sure how much will be left of them so I would start with Audi or maybe post a pic ?

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Why would going to Audi be 'greedily extortionate',oh I remember it's because they're a premium brand and your car was probably 25k+ when new! tongue.gif

Any road up, if it's the old star type as mentioned dealers carry a master set so they can identify and order one for you. IIRC they're not greedily extortionate and are about £15 which is for a bolt and a key.

Where in Surrey are you? I know Driftbridge/Epsom Audi have the master kit.


BUB 169144-ok.gif

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