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Internet shopping and secure servers.


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I've just cancelled an online purchase as I wasn't 100% sure it was secure.

The page where I was entering my card details looked to be fine - there was a padlock lower right of the IE window and the server address was https. However, after entering my details and pressing 'Authorise' I got a popup window saying the page I was viewing was trying to send me to a non-secure page and my details might become insecure during the process. Proceed, yes or no? (words to that effect)

I decided to press no and the transaction didn't appear to proceed.

The purchase was for £100 and with a company I've not used before. I found them with Google. So I decided to be cautious. I've not come across a situation like this before. Normally the whole transaction remains on a secure server. :confused:

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Think you did the right thing there, posting on a secure site shouldn't bring up that message unless something wasn't implemented correctly. They state that you will be taken off to a secure site but once there it should be secure not giving you those messages.

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Normally if items (graphics/banners) are hosted on a non HTTPs server, but the page is on a HTTPs server, you should be told something similar to "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items - Do you want to display nonsecure items"

If it tells you that you're being redirected to a non secure page, then you did the right thing. It may be legit, and as Ritey says, implemented incorrectly, but better to be safe than sorry.

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