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Audis in the Park


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  • 3 months later...

A little frershner as we are nearly there........


A8_Tony - 2000 A8 4.2 QS

Architex_mA8tey - 1999 FL A8 3.7 QS

Singh - 2001 FL S8

Figure 11 - 98 S8

Botang - 96 A8 4.2 QS

Botang - 96 A8 4.2 Track edition

General Git - + Friend in A4

mkoneman- '02 S8


PsYcHe - D3 A8 4.2Q (possibly with MMI and Aircon!) + 1 & 2 halves (who will probably go to the park instead of the Audi bit).

Thebluewhale. 2000 S8

CliveH - 2002 S8 - possibly + S4 (maybe)

Mrs A8 Owner 2001 fl

A note from our sponsor:

Hi all.

Well with less than a month to go, Audis is in the Park is all set to be one of the best days on the Audi calendar.

With Audi lovers attending from all over the country, it really will be one of the best places to see some of the finest Audis around.

It’s about time we all had a dedicated Audi show, and that’s why I created Audis in the Park!

For far too long, we’ve tagged onto VW events up and down the country! Well times are changing!

The website has recently been updated with timings etc and for those of you not wanting to brave the Saturday night camping, I’ve added a local accommodation listing.

The response from clubs and forums has been immense, all of them hoping to take home the very first Audis in the Park “Best Club Display” trophy!

But remember it’s not who has the most cars on the club stand that counts, but presentation and spirit.

If your club/organization hasn’t signed up yet, why not give the event organizer a nudge and get involved, or why not have a go yourself.

I had initially limited club space to 20 cars but due to the interest I soon had to negotiate for a bigger field so the 20 car limit is no longer a problem. More the merrier I say!!!

I hope the website has been able to answer any questions you may of had, but please feel free to contact me if anything is still unclear.

Look forward to seeing you all there!


Event Manager

Audis in the Park

Audis in the Park - The Event


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A8_Tony - 2000 A8 4.2 QS

Architex_mA8tey - 1999 FL A8 3.7 QS

Singh - 2001 FL S8

Figure 11 - 98 S8

Botang - 96 A8 4.2 QS

Botang - 96 A8 4.2 Track edition

General Git - + Friend in A4

mkoneman- '02 S8


PsYcHe - D3 A8 4.2Q (possibly with MMI and Aircon!) + 1 & 2 halves (who will probably go to the park instead of the Audi bit).

Thebluewhale. 2000 S8

CliveH - 2002 S8 - possibly + S4 (maybe)

Mrs A8 Owner 2001 fl


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i like the organisers comment

"It’s about time we all had a dedicated Audi show, and that’s why I created Audis in the Park!

For far too long, we’ve tagged onto VW events up and down the country! Well times are changing!"

has he not heard of ADI:grin:

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i like the organisers comment

"It’s about time we all had a dedicated Audi show, and that’s why I created Audis in the Park!

For far too long, we’ve tagged onto VW events up and down the country! Well times are changing!"

has he not heard of ADI:grin:

Hmmm would that be Audi Driver International? The TRACK DAY at Castle Combe?

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Final update from the organiser.

Ok guys and girls,

This will probably be the last and final update before the big day so I’m going to take this time to run through the final procedures etc.

Please aim to be at the event as close to 10.00am as possible. The park can get extremely busy so hopefully arriving when gates first open will aid traffic flow.

Once you are in the main gate and have paid your measly £6.00 per vehicle (Park entrance fee), tell them on the gate you are here for the Audi show and they will direct you to the Event field.

When you get to the event field, you will be directed to your allocated club stand parking.

No club passes are required, just tell us on the gate what club your with and we will point you in the right direction.

Don’t worry if you’re not with a club or forum, you are still more than welcome and I have separate allocated parking for you guys too.

We will only be letting Audis onto the Event field but if you turn up in anything else we have separate NON Audi parking close by.

I’ve added an event map and timetable onto the Audis in the Park website so it might be worth having a peek before turning up.

If there is anything I have forgotten to mention, or if anything is still unclear, please drop me an email to [email protected] and I will do my very best to answer any questions for you.

IMPORTANT: Can all club stand/forum organizers contact me regarding rough final figures as soon as possible so I can finalise the parking layout.

All that is left for me to say is a huge thank you to each and every one of you for supporting the event.

It will be nice to see some old faces and friends on the day and I’m pretty sure some new ones too.

See you all Sunday!

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This may be seen as picky but last time I went there were motorcycles and NSU there as well and they ain't Audis. :confused:

NSU Motorenwerke AG, (normally just NSU), was a German manufacturer of cars and motorcycles, which was founded in 1873. It was acquired by Volkswagen Group in 1969. VW merged the company with Auto Union, to eventually evolve into Audi as it is known today. :P

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Can't make this meet i'm afraid..

I've got a banger race on..Didn't realise it was same weekend..

Already £200 in the 'banger' so i can't really pull out..

'98 Polo 1.4 Auto on an S plate with 6 months M.O.T but can't legally be driven on the road again..

This scrappage scheme has a lot to answer for, Nice motor..Will be dead on sunday though..

Couldn't find an A8 cheap enough :o

Joking lads..No 4WD allowed

Enjoy if you go and take plenty of pics to post on here +++

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My thanks to everyone who turned up today, 10 cars from the A8OC was a good turnout, and it makes me feel pretty damned good to see the commitment from our members.

P.S. Glad you all liked the t-shirts, I'll get pics up soon so that everyone can see them.

My pics will follow later in the week +++

P.P.S. Despite the "enthusiastic" trip there and back, I managed a 29.8 average MPG +++

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