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Speed Trap of Joy (NOT!!)


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Hi Guys

Was coming down from Manchester the other day (wed) and decided to use the Toll on the M6 - as I came down towards the services I saw an unmarked BMW 5 series having a chat with with a driver (probably not about the weather...:rolleyes:) then a couple of miles further south see a scamera van on the bridge and then a queue of unmarked plod mobiles waiting to be told "go get em boy!".

Whilst I have heard that getting caught on the M6 Toll happens I had never seen anyone pulled let alone this scenario!

The worse thing is that the toll charge seems to be creeping up - £4.70 now for a car which seems bloody steep when it was only £3.50 last time I used it!

So watch out when you're about.....:ffs:

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More likely to be the ANPR vans checking tax and insurance rather than speeding to be fair to them.

They are becoming a more and more common sight and usually have a fleet of bikes or pursuit cars in tow to go after people. I welcome it to be honest - much more interested in them stopping folk who have no tax and/or insurance that soemone doing 90mph on a clear stretch of road.

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I welcome it to be honest - much more interested in them stopping folk who have no tax and/or insurance that soemone doing 90mph on a clear stretch of road.

If that was the case then I would agree - the cost to the honest motorist for this problem is significant...

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I used the toll road twice a week for the first year it opened and only twice saw a marked police car, once on the first bridge after the toll booth (after having fun ragging it out of the blocks, feekers!), the second after pulling someone over. I've heard the plod has to be invited onto the road as it's privately owned, is that true?

The price hike has been incredible since it opened, if it keeps increasing at the same rate it will be £8 in 5 years! Although it's still the best motorway I've ever used in the UK

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They are becoming a more and more common sight and usually have a fleet of bikes or pursuit cars in tow to go after people. I welcome it to be honest - much more interested in them stopping folk who have no tax and/or insurance that soemone doing 90mph on a clear stretch of road.

Agreed. +++

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