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Audi A4 Cab 05/55 or 06 revision?


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Looking to pick up an A4 2.5 diesel around a 05/55/06 plate.

Is it worth paying extra for the revised model if the right one comes up? Ive seen the difference to the headlights and I understand there are some suspension and interior revisions - do these make it worth getting, even it will cost more than a slightly older version?

Is there a full list of the revisions to view anywhere?



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hiya. a4 cab is either B6 model or B7.

B6 has old style dual grill. B7 has new grill.

No revisions for 06 specifically but they added the s-line model - which has sline badges, sline steering wheel. sline suspension etc. Interior of sline model is identical to S4 model apart from leather piping on seats.

Whether its worth spending more is up to you. About 56 or 07 they got rid of the orange indicator lights too.

New A5 cab coming out, so B7 model is last A4 cab. this may hit prices a bit but not much as big price diff between new and used.

I'm a bit confused as you mention 2.5 diesel.... this makes me think B6 model. in which case you're looking at under 10k... the B7 model has 2.0tdi and 3.0tdi engines only i think, but you're looking at 12-30k+ i'd guess.

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Thanks for the quick response. Yes your right im looking around £10k. Thanks for confirming about the diesel choice, I guess if I can find a 2.0 diesel around the 10K mark as one of the first B7s I should be very happy - but I think I would need a grand or so more.

If I stick to 10k and diesel then I get a 2.5 B6 variant - so I guess its a question of if its worth spending a couple more grand on a 2.0 B7 variant with better fual economy?



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a B7 will fetch more money when you sell it too. B6 looks very dated in comparison.

In fact for 10k-12k you can get a B6 S4 cabriolet if you buy privately.

2.5 diesel on B6 isnt much more fuel efficient than 3.0 petrol.

If i was buying a B6 cab, the 3.0 petrol would be my choice again (or S4). you can get 380-450 miles/tank from the 3.0 petrol which is similar to the 2.5 sooty.

the 2.5 sooty is not anything like as good as the newer diesel engines either.

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Dont get the 2.0TD whatever you do, it really doesn't suit the cab no matter what you may hear and I've seen some horrific resale values on them (nearly as bad as my 3.2 :grin: ), get a 1.8T, its more than adequate... or you may find an early 06 2.0T but they were all multitronic at that time. I doubt you'll find one for 10k though.

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Thanks for the info, so avoiding the diesel and trying to stay around the £10k mark ive seen a black 1.8 T sport on an 05 in black, so obviously a B6 but is that such a bad thing or can I live with it or will it bug the hell out of me that I didnt throw a few more quid in the pot and get a B7?

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I dont think the B6 cabs have aged as badly as the saloon/avant due to the slightly different front end, in fact I was looking at an 52 plate cab this morning at my local shops thinking how good it looked. Its a classic design so as long as you find a tidy car with good service history you'll be fine. Oil changes are vital for the 1.8T so the turbo oilways dont get sludged up so make sure you check the history.

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