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Apparently, £65k had been spent on it and it won shows, too :eek:

Simply has to be a rise taker - if not then Care in the Community has gone way too far.

The grille is about as straight as Julian Clary for one, the only shows it's ever won were judged by Charles, Wonder and Peters and I'm sure that £65k has had the SBBF applied.

Then again, there are some seriously dumb f***ers out in planet UK.:rolleyes:

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I can understand why people modify cars, put bodykits on them etc, I wouldn't bother myself, I'd just buy the sporty version of it, but I just cant understand for the life of me, why you'd try and make one car look like another?

Whats better about a BMW than a VW? I just dont get it, shall I go out and put a Toyota badge on my Galaxy? or errr, an Audi badge on my Subaru? :uhoh:

Edited by Tipex
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