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My car is massive!


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Whilst i love the refinement and luxuary of my A8, i am finding parking it an ever increasing problem.

You don't realise how big they are until you park it next to a 'normal' car. Mine won't fit in my garage. Not only can't i open the doors when inside the garage, but it sticks out by about a foot.

At the weekend i picked my missus up from the train station and parked nicely within a parking bay. When i got back to the car there was a scratch on the door from another car door being opened into it. Nothing serious, but still not happy :mad:

I'm now finding i don't even want to go near multi story car parks and i have to think everytime before i park it in town, to make sure its not too close to another parking space or anywhere else where it will get scratched.

I even have to park in the disabled parking space at work as these are the only spaces wide enough.

Love the car, but it isn't half BIG!

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I have a few scratches from people opening doors on me. You do get used to it after a while, I squeeze into most spaces now, even indoor car parks, although its a bit of a pain sometimes. The best bit is going through those iron pillars on some roads. I went down the wrong road one night and had to go through 3 sets of those!

(havent hit one yet)

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Hi there,

I agree its on the larger side, however due to the weight and the quattro it really doesn't feel it on the road. The S is also very nippy and i guess i often astound people as they don't expect it to be that nimble or god damn fast.

The parking sensors are a life saver. I have found myself doing more reverse parking manouvers with this car than anything else, it just seems very useful for parking it. I wish at times they would come on before selecting reverse as the prior own has managed to scrape the bumper and i guess that was pulling into somewhere and not judging the length of car.

As for car parks, just go for the ones further away and you tend to find it less of a hassle. Also try not to park next to something less expensive...parking near a rust bucket is never a smart move.


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The parking sensors.... I wish at times they would come on before selecting reverse as the prior own has managed to scrape the bumper and i guess that was pulling into somewhere and not judging the length of car.

I can switch mine on while going forwards with the most right button on the dash above the radio.....

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Saw a cracking car accident (is there such a thing?) on Friday.

Went to the local Tesco to drop off some bottles at the bottle bank!

The bottle bank is right at the back of the carpark with some metal containers for clothes and such.

Well, parked with the rear of the vehicle pointing to the bottle bank, had a gap next to my car (passenger side) then an old golf (saw an ol man inside), with another car next to that (couldn't tell what it was), but saw a you woman and child walking towards it.

Well, got the bottles out of the car and the gold started to reverse out, the bloke put to much lock on and, bang, into the side of the car, started to rev the knackers out of the car as it was now chewing the side of hwe car.

She was now stood there watching her car getting mullerd....:ffs:

He drove it forward, so I thought he would get out and sort out what he had done. I continued to the bottle bank and started to put the bottles in.

Then, I heard the engine revving again, the car started to reverse, this time he straightened up, so I watched him and back he came, engine again revving like a banshee.......

Car came flying back, heading towards the metal container, then 'BANG', a corner of the metal container hit the rear screen and it shattered everywhere. THought he would stop now, but no, slams it into first and off he drives:rolleyes:

Poor woman, front and rear drivers doors, both caved in she looking totally traumatised.

Went into the store and asked the security guy if they have any cameras on the car park, which they don't so that was the end of that.

Some folk should not be allowed on the road......

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