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Councils want potholes unfilled


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...To reduce speeders!

BBC NEWS | England | Essex | Pothole go-slow to 'calm traffic'

I think there will be a lot of people suing the councils for damaged cars - some especially where you cannot avoid them at all

And others will probably start debating the validity of road tax (even more than they do now!)

It'll never happen, thank fook, and the guy has just made himself unelectable in the future...

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It's hard to believe that people in such positions can spout such ill thought through shite. Speed aside, what about motorcyclists....pot holes can costs them their lives, even at low speeds!

Spot on. I have the joy of driving over some very rutted roads on my cycle to work. Without worrying about how fast cars are going I suspect that if I'm not lying in the road because I've fallen off traversing a crater I'm less likely to get run over.

This kind of rubbish is a head-line grabbing excuse for saving money. If this is the sort of theory that works then lets fit large spikes into the centre of steering wheels!

Sod them, if it carries on I'm trading my car/bikes in for a Hummer and Bowler Wildcat - that'll learn 'em.

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Zambia is VERY far from Essex :roflmao:

Good point about motorbikes -

I'm really proud of my A6 but sometimes I wonder... maybe I should have got a Astra on 10" massive profile tyres because the potholes are making sure the car lasts 20,000 miles before it falls apart

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TT you cant go fast enough, to many bloody pot holes!

AJ; Bombing Westlands Farm Zambia is a famous (thanks to youtube) recording from the cockpit of a Rhodesian Airforce plane. They are cross over the border to Zambia, famously contact Lusaka Tower and tell them to keep all there planes on the ground and then attack the terrorist base with helicopters.

Check it out, i have recived posts indeed asking if i am "Green leader" from readers on here! I wont post a link as it has swearing in but "green leader raid" should get you there.


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