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Bought some REAL brake dust remover!


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Hi Guys

As spring has sprung its time to spend some of those winter savings on new products for this season! My Auris SR seems to have even dustier pads at the back then my old 5 series used to have the front, and BMW brake dust is bad.

Back to the dealer no problems, just say they cut corners but using low dusting pads on the front of the SR and big normal dusting at the back. Even with EGP the corners of the wheels have got some serious build up that im having trouble shifting.

I have seen the P21s red in action before so got some myself:


Non acid yet more capable then well known acid wheel cleaners like Meguiars wheel brightner. Im a big fan of the Green P21s so i cant wait to get my wheels sorted this weekend (weather permitting).

Will report back on how it goes!


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Sounds interesting!

I have to use Wonder Wheels on my BMW wheels once every couple of months as despite weekly cleaning, they become stained and pitted in places where the dust gathers. Nothing else seems to touch them. This looks like a good safe substitute.

Look forward to hearing more!

Slightly off topic but when did 'spring sprung'? Must have missed that :P

Edited by Tarmac_Terrorist
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Thats more or less the same problem i have i hope not to much pitting though. During the winter i could not get them cleaned b/c of the weather and suffered some nasty stuck on bits. I tried normal wheel cleaners and clay which have improved them a bit.

I will get photos tommorow, if spring is still around! We had some good days here in London, but you know when you got to work?

Im all up for the occasional acid based wheel cleaner once a year or so but just dident have any in stock and you know the temptations for something new? LOL.

I will get before and afters hopefully showing an improvement!


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I have to use Wonder Wheels on my BMW wheels once every couple of months as despite weekly cleaning, they become stained and pitted in places where the dust gathers

I guess Beemer wheels would be more labour intensive given the horizontal surface. That's the beauty of the Monza II's; there's no horizontal surface for anything to settle :)

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