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*** BL00dy Gritters ***


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.......... not one, not two but THREE of the nasty paint wrecking bu99ers on the same stretch of raod.

So, I'm on the M9 heading to Dunblane to pick up the Mrs and the 1st gritter is chucking rocks about, you could see the damn things, bigger than marbles so they were!

Not 5 miles up the road I come across the 2nd one, this one is chucking bleeding boulders about, ratting ooff the bumper and windscreen.

Then on the way back I come accross No. 3!!!! Thanks f*** this one had run out of grit and was just flashing his lights and I pass (at great speed, to mimimise the time near it), as I would've considered myself cursed had this one also got me.

3 of the blasted things on less than hour frown.gif


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