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Warning Signal, but no manual


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Hi there, was hoping someone with a manual could help me. Have a 97 4.2 QS, and this morning there was a warning sign come up on the display. It is (o) with what looks like a camera sysmbol in it. Think this is correct, but the only way that I can discribe it. Does anyone know, or try and guess what the symbol is.


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Either (f & r, but the rears do not have level sensors) brakes, brake fluid or hydaulic fluid. Check the level of the brake fluid and the green hydaulic fluid in the yellow container.

Check the brake pads for wear/thickness. Should be able to see them throguh the wheel spokes.

Hope this helps..

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Thanks for the information. Do not have an Audi Manual so had to ask. Brake pads are OK, so must be the fluids. I take it that this means that I have a leak some where? Ah

Have not noticed any patches under the car to suggest this, but could be draining off somewhere else I guess. Will check out PaulW's pages and see about replacing the fluids, but concerned that there may be weaping seals.

Any area's that I should have a good look at. Thanks again for all the advice.

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You have a brake pad warning light come on.

I have a troubleshooting procedure here:


Of if you want to get rid of the light for good, you can just jumper the sensors out of the circuit, this is for a pre facelift model, here are the instructions:


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Not the brake pad warning light. This symbol is similar in looks to the brake warning light but it has what looks like a square camera in the middle of the circle. I have seen the brake pad warning light and this is not it.

Thanks PaulW as I have used your site as a bible in the past. I will try and POST a picture up to show what it looks like. notworthy.gif

Hope to dung.gif it is not the power steering starting to fail/leak.

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cheched the fluids and the hydraulic fluid is at min. Guess that this is the cause of the warning symbol. Does this mean that there is a leak somewhere, and if so does anyone know where it would be so I can fix it.

I take it that the Hydraulic is leaking out somewhere as this should not burn off/evaporate.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Well take my hat of to PaulW again. Followed the Power Steering Fluid change, and the Brake Fluid change, but still the same fault code. Must be one of the head lights as I have changed all the fluids. Should have gone for the headlight in the first place but guess that they are done now.

Fluid was £12 for 2 litres, and 36p for new hose clips, for the Power steering change. Full Audi price, and the brake Fluid was £9. All in all a good couple of hours work.

Anyone recommend a make of headlight bulb? Main one are Audi originals. Have the plastic covers so do not think that they are the Xexon ones.


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Have you verified that it's the headlight? I.E. if you turn the headlights on and look at the front of the car, is one out? If not, no need to replace it. If so, and you have halogen bulbs, you should be able to get one from the local stealer pretty cheap or from any parts place.

I would suggest replacing both if it is the headlight, they have been operating the same amount of time and once one fails, the other one fails within a few months.

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Yep passanger one is away. Will get a couple of new blubs in the car. Main one is the 9005, but might as well put in the H1 ones as well.

Any one had experience with the philips blue HB3 bulbs. I am sure there is a POST in hear somewhere about blubs. Will try and find again.

Thanks again Paul for all the advise.

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Just managed to check out all the lights. Have been round the car and checked all the Bulbs. All are OK. Have ordered new Main and Dip lights, but have not installed them yet from Powerbulbs. All lights are working but the warning signal is still comming on. Checked all the connectors are they seem well connected. Guess that it is time to start scratching the head.

Does this mean there is a fault in the wiring. Would take this to the stealers but the one that we have is Cr*p. May have to bit the bullet though. Any help in this area would be great if I could find it myself.

Will fit the new bulbs anyway, and see if this cures the problem, but doubt it.

Thanks again for all you help so far.

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OK, bit the bullet and changed all the rear bulbs. Turn out the warning signal was for a rear brake bulbs. Changed the lot, as well as the HAT break lights. This did not cure the problem, so went round them all again and found a corroded contact. So 2p worth of emory paper and all fixed. FIREdevil.gif

Thus to recap, changed power steering fluid, brake fluid, new main/dipped bulbs, new rear and HAT bulbs, and it was a corroded joint. Well all done now I guess, and it all still cost less the 1 hours labour in an Audi Garage. Result.

Thanks again for all your help with this. Will try and post the pick of the warning siganl when the wife comes back with the digital camera, she is on holiday.... should be easy to re-create issue. beerchug.gif

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I went through my warning lights today.....and I figured it could of been the rear brake light warning, looks like the front pad warning inside the bulb warning......took me a while to figure out what it actually meant.

Hey, you did a bunch of great maintenance on your car that was not expensive!

Now go out and drive it around!!!

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Paul thanks again for going out of your way to help. Think I will go the whole hog this weekend and replace all the filters this weekend as well as the engine oil. The one that I have not changed myself is the Fuel filter. Could you confirm where this is. I have heard that it is kept under the a rear wheel arch.

Hoping for one last favour. Does anyone know exactly where it is.

Must say again, thanks everyone.....

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Never changed it myself, but it's very easy, I believe it's just forward of the right (driver's side UK) rear wheel, you take a little cover off and then disconnect it and put the new one up.

Make sure you have a pan to collect all the fuel that's going to come out!

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